
A starred* review from Booklist:

“In the foreword, Andrew Weil (Mind over Meds, 2017) theorizes that the human desire for transcendent experiences may be hard-wired, a point Rosenfeld develops throughout this extensive and greatly expanded update of the original 1973 edition of a book designed to ensure that “these extraordinary states of being would be available to all” without using illegal psychedelics. Rosenfeld presents a comprehensive, even dizzying number of drug-free methods for altering consciousness; each is accorded a detailed description and thoughtful commentary. Personal motivation is key, whether altered states of consciousness (ASCs) are used for medical treatments, palliative care, DIY-training in sensory awareness, or other personal goals. Aware of the internet’s overwhelming jumble of “infinite resources” touting ASCs, Rosenfeld brings order to the subject in a well-designed, captivating, encyclopedic volume with three main sections—“Self,” “Help from Others,” “Devices and Machines”—that are meticulously divided into categories with dozens of subsets. “Religions, Mysticism and Movement,” for example, includes transcendental meditation, martial arts, flower arrangements, tantric sex, faith healing, revival meetings, haiku, and flash mobs. Rosenfeld also covers ways to increase concentration, biofeedback, skydiving, kayaking, music, and much more and lists further resources to enrich the understanding this lively, widely appealing, and extraordinary compendium affords. Reading Rosenfeld’s guide is itself a high.”

— Whitney Scott

The Mountain Life - KPCW — Interview by Lynn Ware Peek & Tim Henney

New York Post — 6 ways to get a legal high on 4/20

Psychology Today — excerpt from the book

Psychology Today — excerpt 2 from the book

Woodstock Times — review by  Paul Smart

Forbes — review by Mike Adams

Merry Jane — review by Mike McPadden

Merry Jane — interview Ed Rosenfeld by Mike McPadden

Advocate — 11 Surprising Ways to Get Healthier Today, by Diane Anderson-Minshall & Donald Padgett

Woodstock Round Table — interview 29 April 2018

Well Being Journal — excerpt in July/August 2018 issue

Midday on WNYC, Please Explain — interview by Duerte Geraldino